Bus Routes
Use Infofinder i to Find Your Child’s Bus Route! Please use the infofinderi.com website to find bus route information for your student.
Here are some steps to help navigate infofinderi:
Open up the infofinderi.com website
Scroll to Arizona school districts, find Vail School District
Type in your address above in the box labeled “Street”.
Enter your Zip Code.
Choose which school your student attends, by using the drop down box at the end of the box labeled “School” and click on the school your student attends.
If your address comes up, click on your address and then click on the “My Bus Stop” tab.
Please look at the trip number, not the actual bus number to determine your route.
All busing information will be available and listed, (including regular, zero hour, activity, intersession and half-day). Please choose what is needed.
After entering your address and the school you are looking for, please click on the “Search” button in the blue box.
For more information, please contact the Transportation Office at 520-879-2497 or visit their website.